Botox is a kind of filler which will makes the area of treatment fluffy and bloated. This treatment is normally carried out by women and especially the women of shoe business as they want to enhance their looks in order to remain in the industry for longer period of time. These fillers will used mostly for lips to change the look of them and make them more protruding. If anyone wants to get that treatment then she should know the following things before going to any Botox clinic Dubai.
Budget: As mentioned above, Botox is a very expensive treatment so you should know about your budget before even thinking about getting this treatment. You should also know that once you get this treatment then you have to carry on with the further sittings because the effect of Botox will be for a certain period of time and to look the same you have to get the treatment again and again. In this regard you need to have a huge load of money and a constant way of earning so that you can take this treatment whenever it needs renewal.
Time: People think that this treatment will take too much time that’s why it is expensive. It is not the case. The time taken by this treatment in only minutes for the lips and the huge amount which is charged by the doctor is not for the timing but for the injection serum which is injected. This Botox injection serum is although of few milliliters in quantity but is very expensive and thus makes the treatment expensive.
Expertise: While having the Botox treatment or the PRP treatment in Dubai, the expertise of the doctor matters a lot. He should know how much amount of serum should be injected to a person according to the age, area and health condition. They should also know that what angle they should use to inject the serum. This angle is very important because a wrong angle will damage the nearby vessels and nerves which will be very painful experience for the patient. Another thing is that they should know the right pressure and time for the injection. It should be injected neither too fast nor too slow, but with the perfect pressure on the injection will matters.